Welcome to another season of Soccer Dogs! Here's a run down of what our procedures will be this season.
Our opening game will be on Saturday, April 13 at McKechnie Elementary, Please check Team Info for location details. The Pups and Dogs play from 10 to 11. The Dogs then also play from 10 to 11:30. Wolves will play from 11-1pm, please check Wolves site for details.
Volunteers please show up at 9:30 Reminders to come early on the first day as there will be deposit cheques to collect or check and uniforms to give out.
We also have a Cleat Depository that you can check to see if any fit your player, borrow and when you don't need pass them back for another player to use.
We do not charge, but we do require a $50 deposit cheque for the uniform and we will return it to you when you return the uniform at the end of the season. PLEASE DO NOT DATE THE CHEQUE and make it out to the Blazin Soccer Dogs and Pups
Many uniforms have still been returned from prior season, our committee still have your cheques and by about week 2, if you do not show up or return the uniforms, we will cash your cheque. This is simply not a money-related situation, we need them for new players and it costs at least $50 to replace each one. If you have a uniform and wish to return them, please return it to Barbara Laird on 33 West 38th Avenue, Vancouver, V5Y 2N5.
For Wolves players, the last two years have been an incredible success with volunteering with the young Dogs and Pups. We look forward to continuing the conversation on our new forum. We also always need volunteers...all sibs, cousins, friends welcome to volunteer...if you know someone who is interested please have them go to the website at www.soccerdogs.ca and register as a volunteer. For volunteers who need community hours we give 2 hours for every hour volunteering and will also provide a reference letter if needed. Volunteers please show up at 9:30 to help with assigning players to you. We always hope that we will have enough volunteers to support all your children. Parents are not allowed to volunteer except in exceptional circumstances......talk with me about it that day.
All parents, we want you to come and watch your kids develop and learn how to play soccer, we ask you to bring a lawn chair to relax and mingle with other parents at the same time.
We ask all parents and guardians to STAY with us on the field at all times, you cannot leave as we are all volunteers with no liability insurance.
Wolves parents ONLY can talk with me privately about this, if they are adults then, we will make sure to register emergency cell numbers from you.
Please note no washrooms on the field.
We will not this season be offering any snack as most of the oranges went uneaten.. Please if your child needs a snack at break time, bring it with you. Please bring water, and sunscreen if applicable. Despite our name, we do not allow dogs on the field, our apologies. And the last procedure, all future cancellation notices and updates will no longer be sent via email and will be posted from soccerdogs.ca going forward.
Hope to see everyone on Saturday!
Soccer Dogs Online Team